Technology / Patient Protection

Our comfortable, modern facility offers State-of-the-Art technology designed to provide convenience and protection for our patients and staff.
This includes:
State-of-the-Art “Frictionless,” Self-Ligating Bracket System (Damon System) designed with the following patient benefits:
More aesthetic
Easier to clean and maintain
Less force
Less discomfort
More accurate placement
More efficient mechanics
Greater interval between orthodontic adjustment visits
Typically, shorter overall treatment times
Significantly reduces the need for extractions
The most current X-ray equipment designed to minimize exposure and allow for a high-quality duplicate x-ray to be sent to your Primary Dental Care Provider or other Specialty Care Provider.
Our fully equipped, on-site laboratory allows us to perform many procedures, including intra-oral scanning and 3-D model/aligner printing that expedite treatment and helps hold down the cost of treatment for the patients/parents.
The Ortho II Orthodontic Management software. Our office is completely networked with the latest computers designed to be virtually “paperless.” This high-tech system allows our patients to sign-in upon arrival to facilitate on-time appointment management, treatment coordination, scheduling, correspondence and financial management.
Computer-simulated, interactive software that is used as a visual aid to educate the patient/parent about all aspects of Orthodontic care, including such topics as diagnosis, treatment approaches, and appliances (both fixed and removable).
Patient Protection
Our office exceeds all recommended sterilization standards with the use of ultrasonic cleaners, dry heat sterilizers, and a steam autoclave sterilizer for all orthodontic instruments. To ensure your safety and confidence and ensure compliance, this equipment is routinely monitored for effectiveness by an independent testing laboratory. Disposable auxiliaries and individually-sealed archwires are used for patient protection. Our doctor and staff also wear masks and gloves to eliminate cross-contamination for ultimate patient protection.
Click the PDF icon to download the Technology/Patient Protection Infographic.